India celebrated its 71st Republic Day on Sunday, January 26, 2020. Massive security arrangement was put in place across the national capital for Republic Day. More than ten thousand security personnel were deployed to keep a tight vigil and prevent any untoward incident. Sharpshooters and snipers were deployed over high rise buildings to keep a close watch on the parade from Rajpath to the Red Fort. (AP Photo)
Apart from state capitals, the Republic Day parade at the Rajpath in the national capital was the main attraction. Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro was the chief guest for this year’s Republic Day celebrations. This was the third time that a Brazilian President was the chief guest at the Republic Day. (Image: DD News)
Before the beginning of Republic Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid homage to the fallen soldiers at the National War Memorial. This was for the first time that tribute was paid at the memorial instead of the Amar Jawan Jyoti beneath the India Gate arch. The newly built ‘National War Memorial’consists of four concentric circles- the ‘Amar Chakra’, ‘Veerta Chakra’, ‘Tyag Chakra’ and the ‘Rakshak Chakra’. (Image: DD News)
Indigenously-developed Main Battle Tank of the Indian Army and Dhanush Gun System was one of the main attractions of the Republic Day parade today. The ‘Dhanush’ gun system was also showcased for the first time. The 155mm/45 Caliber Dhanush gun system was commanded by Capt. Mrigank Bharadwaj has a maximum range of 36.5 km. The gun is equipped with an inertial navigation system and advanced gun sighting system. (Image: DD National)
The awardees of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar also made their appearnce during the parade riding in open-top jeeps. The winners were conferred with the award for their achievements in the exceptional fields of bravery, social service, art and culture, sports, innovation and scholastic. (Image: DD News)
Sixteen tableaux from states and union territories were also showcased during the Republic Day parade 2020 today. The tableaux depict the geographical and rich cultural diversity of the country. Apart from this, six tableaux of various union ministries were on display. (Image: DD News)
Anti-Satellite (A-SAT) Weapon- Mission Shakthi, developed by the DRDO, was also showcased at the Rajpath during the celebration of 71st Republic Day. Advanced Light Helicopters- Weapon System Integrated Rudra and 2 Advanced Light Helicopters, Dhruv of Army Aviation were part of the flypast. (Image: DD National)
For the first time, an all-woman bikers contingent of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) displayed daredevils acts during the parade. The contingent was commanded by Inspector Seema Nag. (Image: DD National)
For the first time, heavy-lift helicopter Chinook and attack helicopter Apache also participated in the Republic Day flypast today. The Chinook helicopter is a twin-rotor helicopter which can airlift diverse loads in remote locations while the Apache helicopter is a versatile helicopter. The Apache helicopter is capable of firing air to air and air to ground missiles, rockets and front gun aided through fire control radar. (Image: DD National)
After the Republic Day parade concluded at Rajpath, Prime Minister greeted the crowd present at the site. (Image: DD National)
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