Foreign institutional investors (FII) sold shares worth a net Rs 2,393.94 crore while domestic institutional investors (DII) bought shares worth a net Rs 1,378.49 crore on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, according to the data available on NSE. For the month till January 26, FII sold shares worth a net Rs 23,254.43 crore while DII bought shares worth a net Rs 19,140.58 crore. In the month of December, FIIs sold shares worth a net of Rs 14,231.09 crore while DIIs purchased equities worth a net of Rs 24,159.13 crore.
Foreign institutional investors (FII) or Foreign portfolio investors (FPI) are those who invest in the financial assets of a country while not being part of it. On the other hand, domestic institutional investors (DII), as the name suggests, invest in the country they’re living in. Political and economic trends impact the investment decisions of both FIIs and DIIs. Additionally, both types of investors — foreign institutional investors (FIIs) and domestic institutional investors (DIIs) — can impact the economy’s net investment flows.
“Indian equities witnessed significant sell-off as the market appeared apprehensive ahead of the upcoming Union Budget and Fed meeting next week. Sentiments were dampened by persistent FII selling, where funds are being shifted to other EMs as a result of attractive valuations. Furthermore, a weak economic growth outlook that stoked recession fears pulled down global markets,” said Vinod Nair, Head of Research at Geojit Financial Services.
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