A year after the launch of 5G services, Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio on Friday said that the roll out by the respective firms have been faster than any other operator in the world. The two operators reaffirmed their commitment to soon cover the whole country with 5G services. However, they were silent on how they plan to monetise the services, where tariffs are same as that of 4G services.
The third operator in the private sector, Vodafone Idea, which is yet to launch 5G services, meanwhile said that it will also will make significant investments to roll out 5G network and expand 4G coverage in the coming quarters.
With over 125 million 5G users, India today ranks amongst the top three 5G-enabled nations.
“Jio alone has contributed to 85% of the overall 5G capacity in the country, and provided one of the fastest 5G Internet speeds in the world,” said Akash Ambani. He said that Jio is deploying a 5G cell every 10 seconds, and has installed over 1 million 5G cells across all 22 circles of India.
Ambani said that Jio’s 5G roll-out is powered by a 100% in-house 5G stack, designed, developed and manufactured entirely by Indian talent. He also mentioned the recent launch of Jio Bharat device, a 4G smartphone costing just Rs 999, which is priced lower than most 2G phones.
“With such bold initiatives Jio is set to end the digital exclusion in India once and for all,” he said.
Sharing Airtel’s 5G rollout journey, Mittal said, “Airtel has promised that it will launch 5G with full strength and we have launched 5G in 5,000 towns and 20,000 villages so far”. He said that Airtel is committed to cover the entire country with 5G by March 2024.
On his part, Birla said, “In the coming quarters, Vodafone Idea will initiate significant investment for 5G rollout and expand 4G as well,” adding that over the past year, the company has been working to prepare the core network for 5G.
The comment assumes significance as Vodafone Idea has been battling financial woes and subscriber losses, as Jio and Bharti Airtel have cemented their position in the highly competitive telecom market with 5G services.
Besides sharing their 5G journey, the three praised the country’s digital public infrastructure (DPI) and how almost every country is looking at deploying India’s stack.
“Digital infrastructure that India has built can accelerate the world economy, especially those countries, which have a lack of infrastructure,” Mittal said.
Ambani said India’s digital public infrastructure has gained global recognition, and added that the digital revolution has connected 1.4 billion Indians. The motto of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ has ensured that development reaches all, irrespective of region, religion or caste, he said.Birla said the company is determined to realise the government’s vision of establishing a robust supply chain in critical and emerging areas, including Open RAN (Radio Access Network).He said this endeavour will enable innovative Indian companies to design both hardware and software for the global markets. Talking about the connectivity in far-flung areas, Mittal said OneWeb is ready to serve the demand with its satellite constellation. “Anybody, anywhere in the country can be connected from next month onwards from our satellite ground station that is being set up in Gujarat,” Mittal added.He said that Airtel with the help of Universal Services Obligation Fund has been connecting rural and remote areas, and now satellite technology is available to connect all parts of the country.Jio also demonstrated the country’s first satellite-based giga fiber service JioSpaceFiber to provide high speed broadband services to previously inaccessible geographies within India.”Jio has enabled millions of homes and businesses in India to experience broadband Internet for the first time. With JioSpaceFiber, we expand our reach to cover the millions yet to be connected,” Ambani said.
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