Indian equity indices extended the previous session’s losses and opened in red on Monday, January 30. In the opening trade, NSE Nifty 50 fell 55.45 pts 0.31% to 17,548.90 and BSE Sensex slipped 531.62 0.90% to 58,799.28 but after a few minutes, indices turned green with Nifty 50 trading above 17,700 and Sensex rising 300 pts. The top gainers of Sensex were Bajaj Finance (up 3.36%), State Bank of India (up 2%), NTPC (up 1.98%), Bajaj Finserv (up 1.96%) and UltraTech Cement (up 1.63%) while Power Grid (down 1.98%), Hindustan Unilever (down 1.71%), Bharti Airtel (down 0.91%), Titan (down 0.38%) and HDFC Bank (down 1.82%).
Bajaj Finance shares rose over 4% to Rs 5,997.50 after the company clocked a 40% on-year growth in consolidated net profit at Rs 2,973 crore for the December FY23 quarter with loan losses and provisions falling 20% on-year to Rs 841 crore. Net interest income increased 24% on-year to Rs 7,435 crore and assets under management (AUM) grew by 27% to Rs 2.3 lakh crore.
Sectoral Indices
The sectoral indices were trading broadly higher. Bank Nifty rose 0.13%, Nifty PSU Bank up 0.70%, Nifty Pharma rose 0.39%, Nifty Metal rose 0.40% and Nifty Realty up 0.59% while Nifty FMCG dropped 0.29% and Nifty Oil & Gas fell 3.49%.
Asian and US stock markets
Asian markets were trading mixed on Monday. China’s Shanghai Composite index rose 24.03 pts or 0.73% at 3,288.84, Japan’s Nikkei 225 rose 86.76 pts or 0.32% at 27,469.32 while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng fell 132.16 pts or 0.58% at 22,556.74 and South Korea’s KOSPI dropped 24.23 pts or 0.98% at 2,459.79. On the other hand, the US equity market ended Friday’s session in green. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) rose 28.67 pts or 0.08% at 33,978.08, S&P 500 climbed 10.13 pts or 0.25% to 4,070.56 and Nasdaq advanced 109.30 pts or 0.95% to 11,621.71.
FII and DII data
Foreign institutional investors (FII) sold shares worth a net Rs 5,977.86 crore while domestic institutional investors (DII) bought shares worth a net Rs 4,252.33 crore on Friday, January 27, 2023, according to the data available on NSE. For the month till January 29, FII sold shares worth a net Rs 29,232.29 crore while DII bought shares worth a net Rs 23,392.91 crore.
Ambuja Cements is the stock/security placed on the National Stock Exchange’s futures and options (F&O) ban for trade on Monday, January 30.
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