Foreign institutional investors (FII) bought shares worth a net Rs 399.98 crore while domestic institutional investors (DII) sold shares worth a net Rs 128.96 crore on Thursday, January 19, 2023, according to the data available on NSE. For the month till January 19, FII sold shares worth a net Rs 17,877.86 crore while DII bought shares worth a net Rs 14,672.43 crore. In the month of December, FIIs sold shares worth a net of Rs 14,231.09 crore while DIIs purchased equities worth a net of Rs 24,159.13 crore.
Foreign institutional investors (FII) sold shares worth a net Rs 319.23 crore while domestic institutional investors (DII) purchased shares worth a net Rs 1225.96 crore on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, according to the data available on NSE. For the month till January 18, FII sold shares worth a net Rs 18,277.84 crore while DII bought shares worth a net Rs 14,801.39 crore. In the month of December, FIIs sold shares worth a net of Rs 14,231.09 crore while DIIs purchased equities worth a net of Rs 24,159.13 crore.
“Nifty snapped a two-day rally on Jan 19 pulled down by weak global cues. Volumes on the NSE were on the lower side. Broad market indices fell less than the Nifty even as the advance-decline ratio fell to 0.68:1. Cyclical indices like Metals and Oil & Gas did well on hopes arising after China reopening. Global Markets were largely soft Thursday after disappointing US data renewed worries about a recession in the world’s biggest economy and investors became concerned that the start-of-the-year rally in risk assets may have gone too far despite hopes of a strong China recovery. Nifty remained in a small 92-point band through the day and its daily high-low range was within the high-low band of the previous session, thus throwing up no fresh signals. Nifty could stay in the 17999-18243 band in the near term,” said Deepak Jasani, Head of Retail Research, HDFC Securities.
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