Domestic indices pared gains slipping into negative territory and finally ending on a mixed note amid volatility as budget excitement settled. During the day, the BSE Sensex jumped over 1100 points, touching an intraday high of 60,773.44 and NSE Nifty 50 surpassed the 17,970 mark but immediately after the FM’s speech finished, indices started falling. Markets have been trading lower for the past few days as the Hindenburg-Adani saga shook investors’ sentiment but today both the equity benchmark indices surged following the budget announcement by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman but towards the end of the trading session they crashed 1%. The top gainers of the BSE Sensex were ITC (up 2.61%), Tata Steel (up 2.05%), ICICI Bank (up 1.80%), TCS (up 1.50%) and HDFC Bank (up 1.47%) while Bajaj Finserv (down 5.65%), State Bank of India (down 4.80%), IndusInd Bank (down 3.88%), Mahindra & Mahindra (down 1.91%) and Sun Pharma (down 1.75%) were the losers.
Asian Markets
Asian markets closed higher on Wednesday. China’s Shanghai Composite index rose 29.90 pts or 0.90% settling at 3,284.92, Japan’s Nikkei 225 closed 19.77 pts or 0.07% higher at 27,346.88 and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was up 229.85 pts or 1.05% at 22,072.18.
European Markets
European markets were trading mixed. England’s FTSE100 was trading at 7,778.51, up 6.81 points or 0.09% at 3:20 PM (IST). Europe’s Euronext100 was up 2.10 points or 0.16% at 1,329.47. France’s CAC was trading 2 points or 0.03% lower at 7,080.42. Germany’s DAX was down 11.77 points or 0.08% at 15,116.50.
US Markets
US Markets concluded the overnight session in green. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 368.95 points or 1.09% to 34,086.04, S&P 500 climbed 58.83 pts or 1.46% to 4,076.60 and Nasdaq advanced 190.74 pts or 1.67% to 11,584.55.
Rupee movement
The Indian rupee appreciated 0.02% to 81.91 against the US dollar at 3:25 PM (IST).
Gold, Silver
Gold futures on the multi-commodity exchange for April delivery were trading at Rs 57,830.00 up 640 points or 1.12% while Silver futures for March delivery were up 998 points or 1.45% at Rs 69,827.00 at 3:30 PM (IST).
Crude oil
WTI Crude futures for February delivery were up 0.03% at $78.89 while Brent Crude futures for March delivery were trading 0.20% lower at $85.29 at 3:30 PM (IST).
Bitcoin (BTC) at 3:30 PM (IST) was trading at $23,013.80, up by 0.46% in the last 24 hours. Its total market cap is $443,645,197,968. Ethereum (ETH) was trading at $1,574.33, up by 0.13% in the last 24 hours. It has a total market cap of $192,674,484,668.
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